5 Best Honey In UAE Review 2023

Honey in UAE, a nation with a rich cultural background and diversified cuisine, holds a special place. Honey, called “Asal” in Arabic, has been part of Emirati food and culture for generations. It has been consumed by the Emiratis for centuries.

Honey is valuable due to the desert’s harsh environment. UAE bees create world-class honey in their unique environment. This nature’s bounty is utilized to manufacture hospitality-valued Emirati food and drinks.

Honey with Arabic coffee and dates is a popular welcome gift from Emiratis. Cosmetics, culinary, and traditional medicine utilize this. It’s healed illnesses and encouraged wellbeing for millennia.

UAE honey’s best types, production techniques, cultural importance, and modern applications will be discussed here. Explore the delightful and culturally rich world of Emirati honey with us.

Best Honey In UAE

Selecting The Best Honey In UAE

Choosing the finest UAE honey might be difficult due to the large range. Tips for buying the best UAE honey.

Know Honey Types

The UAE has several honey kinds with different tastes and health advantages. Popular kinds include Sidr, Acacia, and Emirati wildflower honey. Research the varieties to learn their tastes and attributes.

Verify Purity

Pure honey is important. Unadulterated honey has no additives. Choose “100% pure” or “raw” honey to ensure quality. Avoid honey-syrup mixes.

Local vs. Imported Honey:

UAE honey is high-quality and genuine. You ensure freshness and protect the honey business by supporting local beekeepers.

Seek Certification

Check honey labels for “organic” or “raw” certifications. Honey in Dubai with these certificates meets quality criteria and hasn’t been over-processed.

Color and Texture:

The color and texture of honey might indicate quality. Dark honey tastes stronger and has more antioxidants. Pollen grains and wax particles make raw honey seem rougher.

Taste Test

Best to sample various honeys to select your favorite. Visit honey festivals or markets in Abu Dhabi to try different kinds of honey. This will reveal your preferred taste profile.

Crystallization Check

The natural crystallization of honey implies purity. If you like liquid honey, pick it liquid. To liquidize crystalline honey, gently heat it.

Carefully Read Labels

UAE honey labels should be read carefully. Discover origins, processes, and extras. Do not buy honey with many chemicals or high-fructose corn syrup.

Consider Source

Know where the honey comes from. Honey producers in the UAE may import foreign honey and sell it locally. Check the brand and sources for validity.

Ask For Recommendations

Request advice from neighbors, friends, and beekeepers. Their experience may help them suggest the best UAE honey.

Promote Sustainability

Select honey from sustainable and ethical beekeepers and businesses in Dubai. Sustainability ensures bee numbers and honey quality.


Honey should be stored properly to retain quality. To avoid moisture, keep it cold, dry, and sealed away from direct sunlight.

1. Wedderspoon 500g, 100% Raw Manuka Honey (Best Seller)

Wedderspoon 100% Raw Manuka In Dubai

The world has embraced manuka honey for its purity and health benefits. Wedderspoon’s manuka honey is a UAE top contender that tastes like nature’s abundance in the UAE

Features And Specs

Pure and Raw: Pure Wedderspoon manuka honey. This is made from New Zealand’s gorgeous manuka flower nectar. Raw, unpasteurized manuka honey retains its sweetness and enzymes.

KFactor 16: Honey’s authenticity and potency are guaranteed by Wedderspoon’s KFactor. At least 75% of Manuka pollen in KFactor 16 honey indicates significant levels of beneficial compounds like methylglyoxal. Health benefits per teaspoon are maximized in Dubai.

Many Health Benefits: Manuka honey is known for its health benefits. Its potent antibacterial properties boost immunity, soothe sore throats, and aid digestion. High MGO content makes KFactor 16 honey good for wounds and skin. Wedderspoon’s Manuka Honey may boost your health naturally and tastefully daily.

Cooking Fun: This UAE Manuka honey tastes excellent and has medicinal advantages. For a nutritious breakfast, pour it over yogurt, cereal, or toast. Its distinctive flavor pairs nicely with cheeses and fruits and may be used to sweeten tea or coffee. The possibilities for adding liquid gold to cuisine are endless.

Environmental Packaging: Sustainability and the environment matter to Wedderspoon. Reusable glass containers retain honey’s purity and decrease plastic waste.

Conclusion: UAE natural gifts include Wedderspoon 100% pure manuka honey. Its high KFactor and raw, unpasteurized state guarantee purity and potency. The health advantages and rich flavor of Manuka honey make it an excellent pantry addition. Try raw Manuka honey with Wedderspoon and learn its health benefits.

2. Manukora UMF 20+ Raw Mānuka Honey (Runner Up)

Manukora UMF 20+ Raw Mānuka In UAE

The Manukora, renowned for its quality and purity, provides healthy raw mānuka honey from New Zealand’s stunning landscapes. Not honey, this 250g/8.8oz container of liquid gold is nature’s best.

Features And Specs

Authenticity Guaranteed: Manukora mānuka honey is guaranteed authentic. Honey with UMF and MGO certifications is pure and potent in the UAE. You may sip this golden elixir safely due to its high industrial standards.

Hive-to-Hand Trackable: Ever wondered how honey goes from hive to hand? For complete transparency, Manukora tracks honey’s provenance. Traceability labels on each jar identify the hive, beekeepers, and New Zealand harvest.

GMO-Free, Pure: At Manukora, their aim is to provide premium Mānuka honey in Dubai. Raw honey without GMOs or additives. Bees provide pure flavor to your dish.

Unmatched Power: UMF 20+ and MGO 850+ ratings highlight the high potency of this UAE Mānuka honey. Highly methylglyoxal (MGO) honey is sought after for its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.

Try NZ: Experience the unique flavors of New Zealand’s Mānuka flower. This honey is unique—deep, earthy, and sour. Use it as a natural sweetener, on toast, or in tea.

Health and Wellness: The health advantages of manuka honey are recognized. It helps digestion, immunity, and sore throats. Enjoy these benefits daily with Manukora UMF 20+/MGO 850+ honey.

Availability: This Mānuka honey is available in the UAE. The natural splendor of NZ is outside your door. Delicious honey boosts health and flavor.

Conclusion: This is pure, powerful, and real in its unprocessed form. For UAE premium honey aficionados, its traceable provenance, non-GMO certification, and health benefits make it essential. Taste nature’s tastiest honey at Manukora.

3. Al Malaky Royal 400g Yemeni Do’ani Sidr Honey (Versatile Use)

Al Malaky Royal Yemeni Do'ani Sidr In Abu Dhabi

The “Land of Honey and Coffee,” Yemen, produces some of the world’s greatest honey. Yemeni Do’ani sidr honey from Al Malaky Royal is pure and natural. In this piece, we discuss its benefits and UAE applications.

Features And Specs

Yemeni Sidr Honey Essence: Yemeni Do’ani Sidr Honey is known for its sweetness and purity. Viscous, golden Sidr tree nectar honey. Honey specialists appreciate it because it captures Yemeni nature.

100% Natural Taste: Al Malaky Royal guarantees authentic Sidr honey in Ajman. With little processing, taste, and health benefits remain. Healthy folks may pick this additive-, preservative-, and artificial-sweetened-free honey.

Sweets for Every Occasion: Its sweet, aromatic taste makes it versatile in cooking. Many cuisines benefit from its particular flavor, from breakfast to dessert. It tastes great on yogurt, pancakes, or fruit for breakfast. Add it to salad dressings or marinades to boost lunch and dinner. Due to its sweetness, it goes well with evening tea or coffee.

Ideal for Gifting: Gifting the 400-gram Al Malaky honey jar is beautiful. The elegant packaging emphasizes the honey’s Yemeni origin and quality. Honey is a great gift for special occasions or gratitude.

UAE Yemeni Taste: UAE customers may enjoy Yemeni Do’ani Sidr honey’s wonderful flavor. Yemen is accessible from home, letting you appreciate its natural beauty.

Conclusion: Its purity, natural flavor, and versatility make it essential in every kitchen. Honey with Yemeni heritage and excellence sweetens dishes. It adds Yemeni flavor to UAE food.

4. Luvbea 450g Natural Linden Honey (Best Value)

Luvbea Natural Linden Honey (450g) In Ajman

Luvbea natural linden honey has swept the UAE with its great quality and exquisite flavor. This golden liquid goodness 450g jar is a culinary wonder with many benefits and a popular taste.

Features And Specs

Natural and Pure: Linden blossom honey is additive-, preservative-, and flavoring-free. Pure natural deliciousness for maximum health benefits every bite.

Floral Joy: Its taste is distinct. The delicate floral fragrances are soothing. When poured over toast, mixed with yogurt, or added to tea, its unique taste enhances every cuisine in Dubai.

Its Benefits: Luvbea natural honey tastes great and is healthy. Its antioxidants battle free radicals and boost health. Winter staple because of its anti-inflammatory effects, it soothes throats and coughs.

Local and Sustainable: Luvbea proudly assists UAE beekeepers. By buying this honey, you can support local beekeepers. Bee populations benefit from the company’s ethics and environment.

Flexible Cooking Partner: Linden honey goes beyond sweetness. This ingredient complements sweet and savory dishes. The rich flavor complements salad dressings, marinades, and desserts. This kitchen staple makes cooking gourmet.

Classy Packaging:  Its jar is stylish and eco-friendly. The simple design conveys product purity. It’s a nice gift for loved ones.

Conclusion: UAE culinary marvel Luvbea natural honey. Its pure, natural, locally sourced ingredients, unique flavor, and health benefits make it a national favorite. Foodies, health-conscious folks, and gift-givers will love this UAE honey, which represents its natural richness. Enjoy nature’s finest with Luvbea linden honey.

5. Al Shifa 500g Natural Honey (Best Budget)

Al Shifa 500g Natural Honey In Gulf

Al Shifa Natural Honey is well regarded for its purity and beekeeping tradition. UAE consumers love its 500g jar of pure honey for its taste and health benefits.

Features And Specs

Pure, Untouched: Al Shifa natural honey shines. Yemen and other clean places produce this natural honey. Natural honey without additives, preservatives, or flavors is excellent. This is carefully collected and treated to retain flavor and minerals.

Unique Floral Notes: This pure honey smells floral. Depending on the origin, honey might taste fruity and tart like Sidr honey or pleasantly sweet like Acacia honey. Tea and dessert enthusiasts in the UAE prefer Al Shifa honey because it enhances flavors.

Benefits of Health: Apart from its exquisite taste, Al Shifa honey offers several health benefits. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants improve health. UAE people use it to treat sore throats, boost immunity, and substitute sugar with natural sweetness. When consumed regularly, it may decrease inflammation and improve digestion.

Packaging Excellence: Al Shifa’s packaging takes quality seriously. A 500g jar of natural honey is appealing and easy to use. Sealable lids prevent spillage and maintain freshness. This jar preserves honey quality and is a great gift.

Halal Certified: Halal-certified Al Shifa natural honey is available to UAE and worldwide Muslims. This certification improves brand trust.

Flexible Use: It may be drizzled over pancakes, waffles, meats, and beverages. Its rich flavor enriches sweet and savory dishes, making it a mainstay.

Conclusion: The UAE values quality and legacy with Al Shifa natural honey. They like this honey as a spread, sweetener, or natural remedy. UAE households rely on Al Shifa honey for its purity, sweetness, and health benefits.

Types Of Honey In UAE

Honey is a natural, sweet treat enjoyed for ages. UAE cuisine and culture adore honey. The country’s deserts, mountains, and coasts are suitable for honey production. Here are some popular UAE honeys:

Sidr Honey

The UAE’s most distinguished and sought-after honey is Sidr. It comes from Sidr tree nectar, famed for its fragrant blossoms. Sidr honey tastes rich, silky, and medicinal. Its antibacterial capabilities are also well-known.

Samar Honey

Light-colored and tasty Samar tree nectar honey. Rare Samar honey has a gentle sweetness and flowery notes. Because of its quality, it is often used in traditional medicines and baked goods.

Acacia Honey

UAE deserts are rich in acacia trees. White honey, or acacia honey, is light and mellow. Clear, smooth honey is wonderful for sweetening tea or pouring over pastry.

Citrus Honey

UAE’s warm climate enables orange and mandarin growth. Bees take nectar from citrus blooms to make citrus honey. Honey complements its spicy, acidic flavor, making it ideal for toast and salad dressings.

Wildflower Honey

UAE wildflower nectar is used to make wildflower honey. The nearby plants affect the color and taste of this honey. Its nuanced flavor is flowery, fruity, and earthy.

Alfalfa Honey

UAE-grown Alfalfa is used for feed, while bees gather nectar from its purple blooms to make honey. This light-colored honey tastes vegetal. Bakers and drinkers use it as a natural sweetener.

Mountain Honey

Bees in Hatta and Ras Al Khaimah make honey from wildflowers and plants. Mountain honey tastes great due to the region’s lush greenery.

Dandelion Honey

Bees collect nectar from dandelion blossoms to make bitter honey. Taste and medicinal advantages make dandelion honey desirable.

Eucalyptus Honey

Some UAE regions have eucalyptus trees, which produce dark, powerful honey with menthol. The strong taste and respiratory benefits of eucalyptus honey are well recognized.

Benefits of Honey In UAE

Honey is a natural marvel utilized for centuries. This is adored in Dubai for its health benefits and culture. UAE honey advantages include:

  1. Natural Sweetener: Honey is a healthier sugar substitute. It sweetens Emirati meals like Balaleet and Luqaimat. Healthier honey offers more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than sugar.
  2. Nutritional: UAE honey, especially Sidr honey, is regarded for its nutrients. B-complex vitamins and calcium, magnesium, and potassium are in it. These minerals promote health.
  3. Antioxidant Powerhouse: Antioxidants in honey neutralize toxic free radicals, which helps keep you healthy as you age.
  4. Antibacterial Properties: Honey’s inherent antibacterial and antiseptic qualities have been used to heal wounds and illnesses for generations. Honey has long been used to treat minor injuries and sore throats in the UAE.
  5. Digestive Health: Many UAE residents use honey to aid digestion. It may relieve indigestion and constipation naturally. Honey enzymes break down food.
  6. Boosts Immunity: Honey boosts immunity, which is appreciated in the UAE, where harsh weather may test the body’s defenses. Regular honey ingestion may boost the body’s immunity.
  7. Allergy Relief: Local honey may include pollen from the UAE’s varied flora. Consuming this honey may desensitize people to local allergens and minimize allergy symptoms.
  8. Skin Benefits: Honey benefits the skin when eaten and applied topically. Honey moisturizes, reduces acne, and promotes a healthy complexion, hence many Emiratis use it.
  9. Energy Booster: Honey is used as an energy boost in the UAE’s hot environment. Its natural sugars give energy without the downsides of manufactured sweets.
  10. Cultural Significance: Honey has significant cultural and historical importance in the UAE. Emirati hospitality relies on it to greet and respect visitors. Traditional festivals and religious activities employ it.
  11. Supports Local Beekeeping: Honey production in the UAE helps local beekeepers and bee populations. Beekeeping is vital to the nation’s agricultural variety.

Emiratis love honey for its flavor, health advantages, and cultural importance. Honey is crucial to UAE culture and well-being as a natural sweetener, medical cure, and symbol of hospitality. This arid country nevertheless values honey’s inherent virtues.

UAE Honey FAQs

Is UAE honey authentic and pure?

UAE honey authenticity depends on the source and provider. Look for local products or certified beekeepers to acquire pure honey. Beware of honey-containing additives or sweeteners.

What are the top brands of honey in the UAE?

Al Shifa, Balqees, Pure Gold, and Sidr Al Hekma were renowned UAE honey brands. Brand popularity might fluctuate, so check for the newest statistics if you want updated recommendations.

What are the prices of honey in the UAE?

Honey prices in the UAE vary by brand, kind (local or imported), and packing size. An average 500g jar of honey costs 30–70 UAE Dirhams. Check local stores for current pricing because prices may change with time.

Can UAE honey be used for skincare?

UAE honey may be used for skin care. Its hydrating and antimicrobial effects treat acne and dryness. It makes a natural face mask or may be used with other skincare components.

What distinguishes raw and processed honey in the UAE?

Raw honey has enzymes, pollen, and antioxidants since it is barely treated. Filtered and pasteurized honey loses some of its benefits. Raw honey is popular for its health advantages.

How can we verify UAE Sidr honey?

UAE-grown Sidr honey has a distinct flavor and black color. Its taste is frequently unique. Use trusted brands and certified products to ensure authenticity.

Can we sweeten drinks and cook using UAE honey?

Yes, UAE honey may be used to sweeten tea, coffee, and baking. Many meals taste sweet and delicious with it. Be careful with its potency and use it moderately.

How long does UAE honey last?

Honey’s inherent preservatives extend its shelf life. Honey may stay forever if kept in a cool, dry area. It may crystallize naturally, although this does not impair its quality.

Does UAE honey exportation have restrictions?

UAE honey exports may be subject to international food safety rules. Honey producers must follow certain requirements to export their goods.

Can diabetics eat UAE honey?

Honey should be consumed moderately and under medical supervision by diabetics. Honey affects blood sugar despite having a lower glycemic index than sugar. Monitoring blood sugar and adjusting honey consumption is crucial.

Is UAE honey eco-friendly?

Sustainable agriculture and environmental protection may benefit from UAE beekeeping. Bees pollinate crops, benefiting the ecology. However, beekeepers must adopt sustainable techniques and safeguard bee populations for long-term environmental advantages.

Where can we buy honey in the UAE?

Honey is readily available in the UAE. Supermarkets, specialist shops, and souks (Carrefour, LuLu, SharafDG) sell it. Online stores (Amazon, Noon) and bee farms sell local and imported honey in the Emirates.

Final Words

When buying honey in the UAE, consider several factors. Buy local honey to support beekeepers and ensure freshness. Choose “raw” or “unprocessed” honey for health benefits. Organic or ISO certifications guarantee quality.

Deeper-colored, thicker honey tastes stronger. Finalize your brand choice by reading user reviews and asking for guidance. Consider these parameters to enjoy the UAE’s best honey.

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